Toptal® Mobile App Development Services

Toptal的移动应用开发服务为移动设备提供定制化的移动体验, wearables, IoT or augmented reality devices. 公司与Toptal合作,以增强其应用程序和网络开发团队, API integration, and other projects.
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Toptal® Mobile App Development Services

Toptal® Mobile App Development Services

Android App Development

Android App Development

Android OS offers many opportunities, 但由于硬件的激增,也带来了独特的挑战. 无论你的应用处于哪个开发阶段,资深开发者都能够最大限度地降低应用设计的难度,同时支持应用开发, 并帮助它进入Google Play的最高排名.

iOS App Development

iOS App Development

在iOS平台上运行能够支持三种主要设备——iphone, iPad, and Apple Watch—with unique potential in each area. Toptal的开发者已经挤进了App Store的前10名,并且涉足了包括游戏在内的所有领域, fintech, business apps, and more.



绕过本地开发有助于加快发布时间,但这需要高层人员遵循适当的方法. 为了维护和满足用户,最小化对UX设计的影响是至关重要的. If done successfully, 开发人员可以充分利用本地平台的功能,同时还可以在它们之间共享业务逻辑.

Expertly-Matched Talent

We build teams with top software developers, designers, 来自我们全球人才网络的项目和产品经理, 定制以适应您的业务需求和业务流程. 每个人都是根据主题专业知识和他们在管理团队中的工作经验来选择的.






Expert UI, UX, Visual, 交互设计师以及各种各样的插画师, animators, and more.

Project Managers

Project Managers

Digital and technical project managers, scrum masters, and more with expertise in numerous PM tools, frameworks, and styles.

Product Managers

Product Managers

数字产品经理和scrum产品负责人在银行业等众多行业拥有专业知识, healthcare, ecommerce, and more.

Jamal Nichols
Jamal Nichols

Product Designer

Previously at
Vladimir Mitrovic
Vladimir Mitrovic

Front-end Developer

Previously at
Greg Prickril
Greg Prickril

Interim CPO

Previously atMicrosoft

Our Process



Kick off development by defining all system requirements, making initial technology decisions, and capturing user roles and personas.


Determine your product's initial look and feel, model the user experience and user journey, prioritize features, and plan for the release.


Move forward with detailed, development-ready specs, time and cost estimates, a launch plan, and a team of Toptal experts ready to execute your plan.


Throughout the product development phase, track quality assurance, DevOps, 使用您喜欢的项目管理工具进行部署更新.


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Why Organizations Choose Toptal


Cleveland Cavaliers
University of Southern California

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Mobile App Development Trends

Ahmed Alamir


By Ahmed Alamir

开发人员发现自己需要的UI组件要么是目标平台不提供的,要么是目标平台提供的,这种情况并不少见, indeed, provided, but lacks a certain property or behavior. The answer to both scenarios is a custom UI component. The Android UI model is inherently customizable, 提供了以各种方式创建自定义UI组件的方法.

11 minute readContinue Reading


  • How are Toptal developers different?

    At Toptal, 我们彻底筛选我们的开发人员,以确保我们只匹配你的人才的最高水平. Of the more than 100,每年有5000人申请加入Toptal网络, fewer than 3% make the cut. 你将与工程专家(而不是一般的招聘人员或人力资源代表)一起了解你的目标, technical needs, and team dynamics. 最终的结果是:经过专家审查的人才从我们的网络,定制匹配,以满足您的业务需求.

  • 我可以在48小时内通过Toptal雇佣开发者吗?

    Depending on availability and how fast you can progress, 你可以在注册后48小时内开始与开发者合作.

  • What is the no-risk trial period for Toptal developers?

    我们会确保你和开发者之间的每一次合作都有长达两周的试用期. 这意味着你有时间确认订婚是否成功. If you’re completely satisfied with the results, 我们会给你开时间单的,你愿意多久我们就多久. If you’re not completely satisfied, you won’t be billed. From there, we can either part ways, 或者我们可以为您提供另一位可能更合适的专家,我们将与他开始第二轮谈判, no-risk trial.

  • What type of talent does Toptal have?

    我们的平台拥有各种各样的技能、经验和背景. Our freelancers range from software engineers, user experience designers, project management experts, 从产品经理到曾在谷歌等领先公司工作过的财务专家, Microsoft, Amazon, and many more.

    Our mobile app developers are top-notch front-end, back-end, 以及精通敏捷开发和移动技术(如Javascript)的全栈开发人员, Swift, Java, Flutter, React Native, 以及安卓等操作系统和移动平台, iOS, and others, building high-quality native apps, e-commerce stores, and web applications.

  • What other services does Toptal provide?

    Besides our talent matching services, 我们还提供web和应用程序开发服务,如移动应用程序开发公司. Through our Toptal Projects team, 我们组建由高级项目经理组成的跨职能团队, app developers, UI/UX designers, quality assurance experts, and other technical skills. 我们的团队成员遵循良好定义的应用程序开发流程来构建功能齐全的移动解决方案或web应用程序.

  • How do I find a mobile app developer?

    Not all developers know how to build mobile apps. 找到一个已经有丰富的应用程序构建经验的高技能开发人员是非常必要的. Toptal网络充满了经验丰富的移动应用程序开发人员,他们可以帮助您从头到尾完成应用程序项目, on any device platform.

  • What skills are required for mobile app development?

    对于手机应用程序的开发过程运行顺利,结果令人难以置信, top-quality product, 你所雇佣的应用开发者必须拥有从头开始构建手机应用的丰富经验,以及高水平的技术和编码能力. 对于你的应用开发者来说,熟悉跨平台工作并掌握UI/UX概念也很重要.

  • How difficult is mobile app development?

    手机应用开发涉及到一套专门的、详细的技能. 无论用户的环境如何,移动应用程序都需要完美地运行. 当你选择一个已经拥有丰富的从头开始创造手机应用经验的开发者来参与你的项目时, 这个过程变得不那么复杂和耗时, as well as easier to meet your desired results.


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